What we do

Media Security Advisor (MSA)

Our response to dramatic increase of domestic threat to journalists in recent years.

Many news agencies identified the benefits of employing security operatives as ‘back watchers’ on public order and domestic stories within the UK and we provide this.

This role became a licensable activity in 2005, and today we have licensed operatives based throughout the UK who have supported media crews, sometimes with less than an hour’s notice. We take care of the security giving our clients the ability to concentrate on the story. 

Hostile Environment Training: 
With the mandatory Hostile Environment Training for journalists who deploy on high-risk tasks, we run bespoke courses. Many of our team are trained and qualified instructors, some with good foreign language skills. We ensure that our instructors regularly deploy bringing currency to our training. We pride ourselves on the ability to take our bespoke training courses to our clients, taking away the hassle of being away from their place of work and minimum time off. 

High-Risk Consultancy:
Since our formation, we have successfully deployed News Safety Consultants with news crews to every conflict zone worldwide. Our success is having the ability to deploy rapidly, ground truth, understanding our client’s need to get the story in the safest way possible, integrating as part of a team and knowing the role of every team member and assisting when possible. We also work on location assisting with investigative journalism and documentaries.


Ensure journalist safety, consult Media Security Advisor (MSA) today.

Please fill out the form and one of our team will contact you to schedule in an initial risk assessment.